










Footprints of passersby


twinkle and shine


float in the air


crack wise and grin


like in a dream.


"Perception is imperfect and we cannot know the truth of certain things, but that truth is nevertheless there."


"Though we may never know the exact color of the Buddha's sandals, they had a color, and it was never any other color than what it was."


"If a person has been accused of a crime without witnesses or evidence, though we may never know whether she's guilty, she did indeed either commit, or not commit, the crime."


"Truths exist even if they can't be known."


But can you discover that something exists, even though it can't be known? This implies a contradiction.


In fact, it indicates an unproven and unprovable assumption.


"Truth" is actually an amalgam of two things: believability, and the cost of being wrong.


The more evidence we seem to have for something, the more believable we find it. In this way, we inch upward toward "truth".


Meanwhile, the less that it seems an error may harm us, the more willing we are to lower the bar of "truth".


When the percieved mass of evidence converges with the perceived lack of risk in believing, our natural tendency to favor stable presumptions over insecure ambiguity prods us to declare a "truth".


And then once we've found a "truth", our self-love (which makes us ashamed to admit error) motivates us to stick to it.