
virtuous cruelty


In Japanese love songs by female singers, the women commonly adopt male language. 'I' becomes 'boku', 'you' becomes 'kimi'. (Women might normally call themselves 'atashi' and a man 'anata'.)


Is this because love songs are traditionally a male form in this country (not to mention elsewhere)? Man pursues woman; thus, "I love you, please love me" becomes a thing only men say? So that when women sing it, the form dictates that they assume male language?


Is this empowering for women? That they can take on male language, with all its implicit power?


Or is it disempowering, in that women can't, or don't feel capable of, expressing their feelings in their own feminine language? (E.g. it just doesn't 'sound right'...)


This is hard for me to judge, not having grown up in a language where 'I' and 'you' have gender-specific versions.