




In a blog post a few days ago, I wrote about the desire to apologize.


After that, a friend pointed out to me that, if the apology is not accompanied by some intention to change oneself, so as not to repeat the wrong, then it's meaningless.


When I heard that, the first thing that occured to me was, well, I'd better stop apologizing then.

それからシェイクスピアのシーンを思い出した。ハムレットの第三幕 第三場。上記の話とはちょっと違うけど、思い出した。

This conversation brought to mind Hamlet. Act 3, scene 3. What Claudius says here isn't exactly related to what I was talking about, but I recollected it nevertheless.


"May one be pardon'd and retain the offence?"


He'd killed his brother, taken his brother's widow to wife, and wore the crown in consequence. He could mouth repentance all he likes, but as long as he retains the fruits of his crime, what would it mean?


"My words fly up, my thoughts remain below:
Words without thoughts never to heaven go."


By my friend I was accused of apologizing just to superficially right past wrongs, with no intention of avoiding repeat offenses. Not my conscious design, but I suppose it's true nevertheless.


(By the way, in English, Shakespeare's writing is music, intellect, and emotion brilliantly combined. In Japanese, or perhaps any other translation as well, it's just verbal information. I'm always severly disappointed by Japanese translations of Shakespeare.)