


Around summer of last year I took a bit of a wander, and on the last day I wound up in Kamakura, so I went to the beach. It was windy, so I had to take care that sand didn't blow into my bottle of booze. And I sat and watched the waves.


Near sundown I decided to have another drink or three, and maybe some food, in one of the booths or shacks that line the beach. So I took a walk to see what was there. There were not a few good-looking places, so I decided to go into one. But then I saw a sign posted there: "No tattoos allowed".


Foreigners in Japan will be acquainted with this antiquated Japanese prejudice. I decided to find somewhere else to drink.


I actually don't have any tattoos. But the prejudice here against them strikes me as stupid beyond belief. A century ago, perhaps only yakuza and other undesirables had tattoos, but that was a century ago. Now, in our time, tattoos are just something people do.


And everyone in Japan knows this. And yet some people put up signs like that.


Why do they? I'd better not ask, or I'll tread on sensitive territory. I'll end up criticizing irrational reactionary values. I'll end up calling into question the tendency of a certain country's citizenry to prioritize ostensibly 'correct' action over critical thought. The way that conformity to 'correct' values brings social rewards and recognition of oneself as a good moral agent. The way this leads to superficial (yet discriminatory) gestures like that sign.


Upon inspection, every last booth and shop on the beach had the same sign. In the same font even, as though they'd been distributed by some busybody better business bureau. I felt immeasurably disappointed.


At one place I even witnessed what seemed a security guy driving off two young girls who had tattoos around their shoulders. The sorts of tattoos youngsters are into. They were obviously not gangsters. And yet they were getting drummed out of the place.


I walked from one end of the beach clear to the other, and every last booth and stand had the same sign. It was a shame, but I had no choice but to stop at none of them, so I headed back to the station instead.


So, hey Kamakura, you probably don't care what one middle-aged foreigner thinks of you, but you let me down.