
ben franklin effect


One thing I saw a lot of in Dublin were Celtic crosses. It's a Latin cross with a circle laid over it. The origins of the Celtic cross are apparently unclear (yeah, I looked it up), but anyway they captured my interest.

Celtic cross in churchyard
Here's one in a churchyard. 教会堂の庭で見つけたケルト十字。
Celtic cross before a church.
Here's another, before a church. The woven rope-like design inside the cross also caught my interest. I don't know if I've seen designs like that in other types of crosses. 別の教会堂の前にあったケルト十字。十字の中の織り交ざった縄のような模様も面白く思った。他の十字架にそんな模様を見たことがないかもしれない。
Celtic cross atop church
A Celtic cross atop a church. 教会堂の天辺にあるケルト十字。
Celtic cross in cemetary
I believe I saw this one in a graveyard. 墓地でこれを見つけたと思う。
Celtic cross in Drumcondra cemetary
A Celtic cross marking a grave in Drumcondra. ドラムコンドラの墓地にあった墓石。
Drumcondra grave plot
The name and all other lettering is worn away. The grave plot does not look adult-sized. 墓石に彫られた名前も文字も風化されていてもう見えない。墓は大人の大きさに見えない。