


An episode in Dublin.


I'm sitting outside on a bench, watching traffic go by and imbibing the juice of the barley, when an Irishman approaches me.

「ネアイル メ ファエル ロック ネ マール?」と彼は訊く。とにかく最初にそう聞こえてしまう。僕は一回目にアイリッシュ英語を聞き取るのが到底無理だということが今回の旅で判明した。(それに、男の人もおそらく上述の大麦のジュースの影響で、伝達能力が鈍っているのかも知れない。)

"Néair me fáil og loch ne mar?" he asks me. Or at least that's what it sounds like. I've found that I'm completely useless when it comes to hearing Irish English on the first try. (Added to this, the man's communicative capacities seem blunted by—dare I speculate?—the aforementioned juice of the barley.)




"You wouldn't happen to have a light, would you?" he repeats.


This time I understand him. "Sorry, I don't smoke."


He thanks me anyway and goes his way. After he's left, an elderly Irish gentleman sitting on a bench nearby turns to me and asks, "Now what was that man saying? I couldn't understand a word of it."


And I think to myself, "Whoa, I'm translating Irish for the Irish."