I was thinking about what I wrote yesterday, and I want to expand on it a bit.
When I die, you’re not going to have a funeral for me. You’re going to have a Last Day.
What’s that? A Last Day is where you imagine, if this dead guy could come back to life for only one more day, what would he want to do with his last day? And then anybody who gives a damn about
my being dead, it’s your job to live that Last Day for me.
You know what I’d want to do. Sleep late, eat a slow breakfast, read a book alone, take a wander outside alone if the mood strikes and the weather recommends it.
That night, get together with just a few people and go out to eat, drink plenty, talk about stuff, play music and relax.
押し付けがましくしたくないが、やっぱり僕のサイゴの日だからいくつかの規則を設ける権利はある:①カラオケ禁止 ②仕事の話も禁止 ③感情的にムキになった人は出口へ。あと、そこにテレビがあったら必ず消すのだ。
I don’t want to spoil anybody’s good time, but it’s my Last Day so I get to make a few rules: no karaoke, no talking about work, and no emotional drama; also, if there’s a TV set around,
you have to turn it off.
And if at the end of the evening you’ve got somebody to pair off with, make that happen too.
A pretty good Last Day, right? It would beat the hell out of a funeral.