
permulaan mengapa


Hi from Kuala Lumpur.


A bit of news.

Bluehour "The Winter" album cover
Bluehour "The Winter" to be released 4 November

ブルーアワーの新譜「ザ ウィンター」は11月4日に発売される。

The new Bluehour album "The Winter" is coming out on November 4.


It's really good. I hope you'll take a listen.


I helped a little bit with recording and so forth, but that's not why I want you to listen to it. I want you to listen to it because it's very good.

Dewfall Recordsから出すので、そちらのサイトからより詳しく知りたまえ。http://www.dewfallrecords.com/

It's coming out on Dewfall Records, so check out their site for further info.  http://www.dewfallrecords.com/