
Burning of Judas

Writing life now is split-screening for me.

On screen left, a parched desert. I've been on an awe-inspiring skid of rejection after rejection. It feels like flipping a coin that normally gets heads three flips out of a hundred, and getting zero heads out of two hundred.

On screen right, a rain forest in a downpour. A number of journals which were kind enough to accept stories of mine some time back have just brought out their latest issues. By some quirk of the calendar, they're all coming out at once now.

Another story of mine came out last night, and I was remiss in reporting on it right away, which normally I get too excited to stop myself from doing.

It's called "Burning of Judas" and it appears in Twin Pies Literary Vol. IV. Read it here.

I'll be here holding my open thermos out in the rain on screen right, casting a worried eye on that long desert road stretching out on screen left.